No girl, free or in prison made it to the top ten position in the last year's Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education results released last week. The first girl fell at a distant 11th position nationally.
Questions are asked as to what went wrong for girls but good for boys in the examination.
Although it cannot be argued that girls sat a different exam, perhaps tougher than what their male counterparts sat for, many have expressed concern over the results.
No official word has come from the ministry of education detailing what happened, nor a commission set up to investigate the matter. But other stakeholders have started giving their theories. For example, a Dandora based think-tanks believes that the whole thing has much to do with gender rivalry.It claims the much attention that has been given to the girl child is likely to work against the same girl child. In this it says that a girl child is relaxed to work hard knowing that affirmative action will work on her favour.
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