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Darasa Times
An Online Newspaper On Education
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Government Changes ICT Trainer For Teachers
Teachers taking ICT lessons. Public primary school teachers have a new ICT trainer. It turns out that the government has put ICT traini...
Government May Restore School Ranking
Former Education CS, Jacob Kaimenyi. He led the ban on school ranking in national exams. Ranking of primary and secondary schools in n...
Teachers Can Now Get Laptops At Sh1,000 A Month
Mwalimu National Sacco CEO Robert Shibutse (second left) with officials of the sacco at the launch of Mwalimu Digital Initiative. A...
Thawabu Hosts Day of the African Child Celebrations
The Day of the African Child procession to Thawabu in Kayole. Thawabu Primary School in Kayole was the venue of this year’s Day of Afri...
On Caning Pupils, Matiangi Takes A Firm Stand And Fuels A Dispute
Education CS Fred Matiangi. It turns out that the government has no plans of restoring corporal punishment in schools. Those teachers...
Government Tightens Regulation of Alternative Schools
Education SC Fred Matiangi. In what could create a complex environment for informal schools to operate in, the government has moved to t...
Government In The Process Of Reviewing P1 Course
A teacher at work. Education SC, Fred Matiang’i, recently revealed that the government had embarked on a process of reviewing the cur...
El Shaddai Pupil Finished By Exposed Wire
By Darasa Times A pupil at El Shaddai academy will not be reporting back to school when the second term begins. He is dead. The 10-year...
Details of The Proposed Education System Begin To Emerge
Education officials together with some learners. The education system in Kenya is set for a major shakeup. A proposal for a new educati...
Young Schoolboy Bends DP Ruto’s Ear
DP William Ruto and a young schoolboy in Mowlem, Dandora on June 17. As Deputy President William Ruto toured Dandora, Mowlem and Umoj...
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